Saturday, February 12, 2011

Different, yet the same.... how i've been feeling the past day or so. "Different" in that my new habits seem to be growing on me, "the same" in the that i would like nothing better that a large slice of chocolate cake and struggle with that. I wonder if it will always be that struggle, of wanting to shovel sweets into my mouth, hand over fist, or if i will learn to crave different, healthy things?

I don't know.

But what i do know, is right now, that struggle continues.

Different, though, has been a pleasant surprise. I feel better. Not so sluggish, not so ready to take naps. I get up and i'm usually good. I've limited my Diet Coke crack-like need and substituted water and that's lead to some headaches, which didn't surprise me. Fruit has been a huge live saver for me...huge. I'm liking this new WW program.

It is the weekend, so there's grocery shopping to do, eating plans to figure out and play-time with the tot.

Note on the tot and husband: They will eat what i will eat. If i cook it, they will eat it. They are eating my fruit, my chocolate puddings, my healthy snacks. A great thing as we can all learn from this way of eating...and incorporate it into our lives as "the" way to eat.

Update more later...

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