Monday, February 6, 2012

Never enough?

It is another one of those days where I wish I could crawl back into bed, pull the covers over my head and just stay there, hidden from the world.

I have so much to do and yet no will or motivation to do any of it. It is almost as if I don't care. How can that be? How and why do I get like this? I don't care if I eat or not, I don't care if I grab a shower or not, I don't seem to care that I have so much that I need to get done.

I do know this: I am tired of thinking about food, about planning menus, about my weight, about my stomach, my heart and the scale. I feel like I am just never enough...never smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough or organized enough.

I feel like I am never enough.

Maybe this mood has come about from the 15-week class I am taking called Power to Choose. I am only in my third week and yet while I can feel God stirring in my heart, I feel like I am stuck in a pit of hopelessness. There are 12-Steps to this program, and I swear, the steps are getting harder instead of becoming easier!

A nap.

Yes, I think I would like a nap.

If you are inclined to do the praying thing, please pray for peace of mind for me....many thanks.


  1. A hug and prayer headed your way... *hug*

  2. Give it some time to settle in. Maybe this is part of your journey, but constantly dealing with dieting is very exhausting--take it from one who knows.

    There are 12-step weight loss programs out there, as well--some face-to-face and some telephone meetings. They can provide a lot of support for some folks. I hope that you will find your path, whatever it is.


Thank you for taking the time leaving me a message!