Monday, January 4, 2010


I've never had many women "friends". I've chatted with many women but not in the sense that we become close friends. My circle has always been very small of women that i talk to. I guess that 'sharing' isn't one of my strongest personality traits. That or i secretly think that no one wants to be friends with an overweight woman...sigh.

But that was until i moved here and met Melinda.

She was in my MOPS group and i knew of her, but she sat at another table and so i didn't really get to know her until this move. She's very tall, stunningly beautiful and not a skinny person. But she is truly one of the most beautiful women i have ever seen. Melinda is so, well, dang, i guess stylish is the best word to describe her. She's a size 16, and no matter what she puts on, she's beautiful.

And i think that a lot of that is how she carries herself. Very self confident, very sure of herself, very talented. Which completely confused me...if you wore a size larger than a size 2, were you 'allowed' to be that way? Lord knows that i've never acted like i loved myself like she did. I wanted to rub up against her because i was hoping that some of her would stick to me.

We've become friends. I think that some of the friendships that i've had since moving here were friendships that i felt like i was the only one investing in the friendship. Perhaps that's why it's so difficult to sustain friendships. They take work on both sides, i think, and sometimes, well, i guess life gets in the way.

Melinda also became my Zumba partner at the Y. I can't tell you the difference it made to have her there, even if she did dance so much better than i did. I dance like my legs are tied together, sigh....but it is fun. I can't believe that i enjoy Zumba the way i do.

She's had to stop going to the Y due to medical issues....i, who have no medical issues, of course, think that's my ticket to stop, too. I am hoping that i am going to realize, soon, that this is MY journey and that "I" need to take charge of it.

But, it's really nice to have a friend who i can chat with, share with, and who understands how motherhood, while lots of fun most times, can drive you batty other days. I am hoping to learn from her how to love myself. Not just pretend to love myself, but really love myself. It shouldn't be that hard, should it? Where ever i go, there i am. At the age of 40, i should have learned to become friends with myself...

...and to take care of myself like i am my best friend. Because i deserved that, don't i?

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