Oh, wait....that's right.
All of THOSE things have already happened.
And so, i've jazzed up my blog to get ready.
Ready for what, you ask?
Ready to try.....again.
Ready to try once again to loose weight. But this time, well, i have a plan. And i have this blog. Because a fat girl just can't talk to just anyone about being fat, right?
I'm reading books about women who are former fat girls who have lost weight. A lot of weight. And most importantly, they have kept it off...and have written books about their journey. I have been stunned at what i've read. Really. I can't believe that there are other women, other fat women, who do the SAME things that i do.
Like walk in the earliest/latest hours of the day so no one will see them exercise.
Like play the game "Am i the fattest woman here?" game.
Like eat and destroy all evidence.
I truly thought, well, that i was the only one.
I'm not....apparently, i have lots of company in the fat.
I'm scared, of course. Scared that i can't do it. Scared that i will once again, fail. Scared at what will happen to me if i don't try to lose this weight again.
Because i truly believe that i am fighting for my life if i don't get rid of this fat...
Off to read more....
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